Caffeinated Illustrators- October 2013
Recently, Creative Relay did what very few entities have ever been able to do: we got a bunch of illustrators to leave their studios for a few hours! These freelancers were forced together to schmooze,...
View ArticleCaffeinated Illustrators- December 2013
Well, we did it again. During this crazy holiday season where there are 5 billion things to do at once, a group of illustrators got out of their studios and met for coffee and to schmooze. I suppose it...
View ArticleCaffeinated Illustrators: August 2014
With iced coffees in hand, five illustrators met for another Caffeinated Illustrator meeting. Borrowing Wifi from the nearby Apple Store, we got together and shared what projects we have been working...
View ArticleMy Never, Ever List by Jannie Ho
My own quick list of what a freelance illustrator should never ever do. I could use a little reminding as well from time to time. •Never ever forget about those personal projects Those personal...
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